The Old Kohukohu School
After several years of neglect the old school has once again come under "community" management. In August 2004, the Kohukohu Conservation and Recreation Society Inc. was gazetted to do this job by DOC, the Statutory Managers of the Reserve.
Only the oldest part of the school remains and it is in need of urgent repairs to its roof, barge boards, facias etc., not to mention interior and exterior paintwork. Clearly this cannot happen overnight funding being significantly absent.
In the meantime, the group who have taken on this onerous task, in particular OSAG (the Old School Action Group) are faced with ongoing expenses (power, ground maintenance etc) and no income.
To this end we are calling for donations particularly from those with some former attachment to the Old School e.g., ex-pupils, teachers.
Please call Phil Evans for details and to hire the old school as a venue. (09) 405 5855